Sunday, January 29, 2017

Contradictions Of Bullies On Vine Forum

On 1/29/17 Outlaw Poet, one of the Amazon Vine Bullies chimes in to say that the topic of Gertrude/Terry being banned has grown mean. Tech Guy claims it's become toxic. And at the end we have Paul, who, is feeling what every person ever chased from the Vine forum feels; and that is irony that these same people who constantly belittle and back door devalue other members are now saying/complaining that they are upset and 'it's not fair."

In reply to an earlier post on Jan 29, 2017, 9:30:27 AM PST
OutlawPoet says:
I don't believe in mocking anyone. I do think that perhaps tensions were high after much of what happened in this thread. A thread started, I might add, because one poster was concerned about another.

1 comment:

  1. Outlaw Poet likes playing innocent when she is guilty of everything she accuses others of. Like Gertrude, she is incapable of seeing a clear picture of herself. That is why Gertrude thinks Outlaw Poet is an *insightful* person, when the truth is she is an *delusional* person. She must spend every minute of her free time trying to get others kicked out of Vine for what she imagines they are guilty of. Or maybe she's doing all her investigating and reporting to *Executive Customer Service* on her boss' time and dime. What is she so guilty of that she can't stop imaging others are guilty? To top it off, she has the gall to complain when her bully friends are kicked out of forums and cry they are being persecuted. Others chime in to support her delusions. Vine has no shortage of delusional people telling each other the same lies over and over. Outlaw Poet needs to follow her own advice--*Step away from this little forum. Read (I know it's hard.) Observe. Ask questions. Learn.* Adding one thing to that advice to Outlaw Poet---when the going gets rough in a forum, don't bring your child into the conversation. It's like trying to use a child as a shield to deflect criticism.
