Monday, January 2, 2017

A Lesson IN Isolation And Demeaning

Here is list of how they devalue, mock, and try to intimidate anyone with diverse  - or to be precise common sense, practical ideas. 

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 14, 2016 4:15:31 PM PST
Visibly Pam says:
She won't be back. I finally read her screed and it was ridiculous. (devaluation- name calling)  Many many assumptions applied to all of us based on stereotypes (contradiction, that is EXACTLY what the Amazon Bullies do; sterotype! However, the difference is, they act pious and righteous, for diversty, but they clearly are not) . Plus she's out of her league here.
Her dogs look nice. I imagine she stresses them out with her nervousness.

ringo says:
We are smarter than you. Or at least more adept in critical thinking.(Name calling, devaluing)

Vine Election Thread
Nov 14, 2016 8:21:11 AM PST
LookinG for Trouble says:

I stand to gain significantly from a Trump presidency. Significantly.
However, the money and the property are not worth one second of a small child crying in a lunchroom because other children are chanting BUILD THAT WALL. (FAKE Hate report, inciting fear)
Not one second of that child's hurt is worth it.

Posted on Nov 14, 2016 8:00:16 AM PST
Wandrwoman says:
The thought of Steve Bannon as Senior Strategy Advisor in the White House is terrifying to me. The Anti Defamation League has just issued a statement and I hope all reasonable, rational people will stand up against this. (Totally Fabricated also note the use of try to imply and only irrational unreasonable people would back Steve Bannon) 

Visibly Pam says:
I see a lot misguided former middle-class people waiting for the jobs to come to them. (misguided)
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In reply to an earlier post on Nov 14, 2016 6:54:26 AM PST
AKN says:
Of course because it's not rational in the first place. It's a need some have to put a group beneath them. The obvious skin color is a convenient way to have a group you can feel superior to.

Posted on Nov 14, 2016 6:35:22 AM PST
Wandrwoman says:
My husband is a Trust and Estate attorney. His clients are all high worth individuals who are positively giddy with this unbelievable promised giveaway to the 1%.
The loss to the US Treasury will be significant and tax revenue will need to come from somewhere.....hmmmm......the Middle Class perhaps?

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 14, 2016 6:21:37 AM PST
Last edited by the author 3 hours ago
Debbie Lee Wesselmann says:
Thank you for answering Pam's question.
Ironically, I also stand to benefit financially -- in fact, I already have, thanks to the stock market; however, that wasn't as important to me as the social issues and the temperament of the president-elect. We all balance things differently.
As for Trump supporters being intimidated by the people posting here, yes, I could see that; however, supporters of any candidate should be able to articulate their support of specific policies in the face of criticism and offer some proof as to why they matter. It's kinda like being bothered by negative votes but on a much larger scale. You have to stand strong with your beliefs, and not bothered by what others think.
Wandrwoman says: In reply to an earlier post on Nov 14, 2016 6:20:50 AM PST
Ms. Parrothead,
One of the first protests in front of Trump Tower in NYC was started by a group of High School students. So far, the only violent demonstration that I've heard about was in Oregon. While it is impossible to know what is going to happen, it seems very likely that there will be demonstrations during the inauguration.

Posted on Nov 14, 2016 6:18:11 AM PST
Last edited by the author 3 hours ago
AKN says:
The mark the Supreme Court will leave is that women will no longer able to control their own bodies and will be turned into forced baby factories by the government. On the other hand, sales of knitting needles will go up. (this is total bullshit and they are using the FEAR tactic) 

Posted on Nov 14, 2016 6:00:40 AM PST
ringo says:
I was arguing with someone online pre-election, and he claimed (perhaps logically) that Politifact was biased against Trump, because they only chose to verify the statements he made that were untrue, and not all the ones he had made that were true. Which I guess were things like "good morning" and "I'll have the burrito bowl."

One truth of political advertising is that things are true before they are false. It takes substantial psychological energy to completely let go of a false belief, and there is minimal cost to propagating one, so constant lying is actually a viable strategy. As we have seen.

Wandrwoman says: In reply to an earlier post on Nov 14, 2016 5:45:34 AM PST
"Trump did not start it. He took it mainstream. Jones, Andy Martin, and Corsi were way in it before Trump. I can remember when Trump jumped in and Drudge carried that"

You realize you have listed virulent racist Alt Right hate sites, right? You have admitted that Trump was spouting their racist garbage? (dehumanizing - devaluing) 

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 14, 2016 5:29:13 AM PST
Wandrwoman says:
I'm sorry but you are misinformed. The information you are quoting is incorrect and has been publically debunked multiple times. The Clinton campaign did not start the birther movement. It was mentioned in private, hacked email and discarded as a disgusting concept. It was a private thought that never went public, never became policy. It was brought up in private conversation and died there. I saw that interview when Clinton was asked about the birth place of Obama and she declined comment. It was a stupid thing to do, in my opinion, but it is quite a reach to blame her for starting birtherisn.

The Alt-Right and their candidate Donald Trump came up with the concept and ran with it publicly for years. They own it.
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In reply to an earlier post on Nov 14, 2016 3:29:37 AM PST
Debbie Lee Wesselmann says:
My husband reminded me a few days ago that similar hate crimes happened after Obama was first elected. I don't think they were as widespread or as directed to such a wide range of people or as long-lasting as they are now. (Oh YES! Those hate crimes that have turned out be be FAKE hate crimes!!!!!)
The racists were terrified of Obama's presidency. Now they feel empowered. That's a huge difference.

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 8, 2016 10:48:33 PM PST
Terry says:
I'm sick to my stomach. I really cannot believe this is happening.
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In reply to an earlier post on Nov 8, 2016 10:53:23 PM PST
Technology Guy says:
Seriously sick. And I thought I was too jaded to be surprised by human stupidity again. Nope.

Posted on Nov 8, 2016 11:03:10 PM PST
Lynn says:
I'll be ecstatic if I have to eat my words about orangey (dehumanzing), because I'm seriously concerned about the future of our country. (FEAR)

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In reply to an earlier post on Nov 8, 2016 11:09:00 PM PST
Technology Guy says:
It makes someone my age despair that they may never live to see hope arise again within their lifetime.

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 8, 2016 11:26:26 PM PST
Lynn says:
I am worried about the future generations. He is such a liar. He showed his true self during the Primary & lots of people just voted for him...they don't care about his personality...or that he stiffed all those workers...or that he's pompous...or that the dude that helped him write his book called him a sociopath. I understand wanting change. The Politicians have gotten out of hand, but I'm not sure he's the answer.
It's just unbelievable that the campaign came down to these two.

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 8, 2016 11:36:34 PM PST
Technology Guy says:
I'm sure he's not the answer. He has no plan. His big ideas were summarized in a single sentence. There is no There there. Whoever he picks to run his new empire will make all the real decisions. We just elected some unnamed flunky to rule us all. And perhaps we deserve it.
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In reply to an earlier post on Nov 8, 2016 11:39:14 PM PST
Debbie Lee Wesselmann says:
It will be Pence. Rumor has it that Trump isn't interested in the day-to-day aspects of the job and that he will entrust Pence to take care of it.

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In reply to an earlier post on Nov 8, 2016 11:44:47 PM PST
Technology Guy says:
Christian sharia law. Yay.
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Posted on Nov 8, 2016 11:49:54 PM PST
Technology Guy says:
I am beyond disgusted. My America is dead.
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Posted on Nov 8, 2016 11:51:39 PM PST
Lynn says:
He's speaking now...I want to throw up. He speaks with forked tongue.
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Posted on Nov 8, 2016 11:56:18 PM PST
Last edited by the author on Nov 8, 2016 11:57:53 PM PST
Just My Op says:
I dislike Trump intensely, but I am really angry at the people who threw away everything decent in this country to vote for a hate and fear monger who is completely incompetent. Those voters got what they deserved. Unfortunately, I got what they deserved too.
Edit: Too, not to. I'm too upset to type decently.

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 9, 2016 12:05:05 AM PST
Technology Guy says:
As a nation, we are toast. We just elected a reality TV star who lost billions of investors' dollars and hasn't payed taxes for over a decade. Can it possibly get any better than that?

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 9, 2016 12:13:17 AM PST
Terry says:
Seriously. Our commander in chief is a man who paid zero dollars last year in personal income tax - which supports our entire structure as a nation. WTF? How could this happen?
In reply to an earlier post on Nov 9, 2016 1:04:51 AM PST
Last edited by the author on Nov 9, 2016 1:15:55 AM PST

Technology Guy says:
Don't worry, I'm sure there will be 4 more years of tears while He dismantles every little but of peace, love and understanding remaining. After all, the American people decided his vision of America was the most appropriate way to end this nation once and for all. Go chaos! Yay!

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 9, 2016 3:46:36 AM PST
Debbie Lee Wesselmann says:
It's galling that a man who has said and done the things he had is going to represent our country on the global stage. Christie will be secretary of state, and Guiliani will be Attorney General.
In reply to an earlier post on Nov 9, 2016 4:33:45 AM PST

just kath says:
TG... I don't know how old you are...but I feel the same. I am filled with despair.
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In reply to an earlier post on Nov 9, 2016 4:37:05 AM PST

just kath says:
Well, and he is a man filled with hate, a bigot and a clown. He will surround himself with like minded people. You are right. Toast
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In reply to an earlier post on Nov 9, 2016 5:13:09 AM PST
LookinG for Trouble says:
Corrupt? The extent of her corruption was to use a private email server. That's it.
She broke no laws.
She did not steal from the people. She does not walk up to women and grab them by the pussy and brag about it. She does not screw over poor workers. She is not married to an illegal alien.
Posted on Nov 9, 2016 5:20:51 AM PST

M. Lafferman says:
I can't help thinking Trump won simply because he is a man, unqualified and vile a human being as he is, because there are still people in this country who unfortunately can vote, no IQ needed, that are afraid to elect a woman, simply because she is a woman, even if she is an intelligent, qualified woman. That it's 2016, and we have yet to have a woman President makes it even worse. We are stuck in the dark ages!!!

Frankly I didn't care for either candidate, but it seems so clear to me that if there are only two candidates, and only one of them is intelligent and has experience, why anyone would want to make another choice, especially Trump, who thinks his greed is equal to sacrifice, who is 70 years old and still throws temper tantrums when he doesn't get his way, who speaks about women in such a degrading manner among other things, surprising since he does have daughter's, obviously NOT raised by him. How would he like it if a man spoke to his daughter's the way he speaks about women?

From the beginning I have said Trump's mouth will bury him, only now he will taking us down with him! He will blab everything and if you think 911 was bad, think of all of the countries who will want to kill us now, and will be able to, thanks to him!

Talk about the dumbing down of America, only America could vote for a person who is totally unqualified to be President! Frankly I don't want to be looked at like Iam stupid, because Iam not.

For those of you who voted for Trump, be careful for what you wish for, you may live to regret it! If you think he will do anything to help the poor or people who need help, or do anything good for this country you are WRONG! He will take every chance he can get to be on tv, taking credit not due him, puffing himself up. I will NEVER watch him on tv, period!

He will have at least 4 years to totally run our country into the ground, unless he is impeached first.

At least in CA where I live people voted for Clinton. Now that Trump will become our next President, that leads me to say why do we even bother to have a President at all? The highest post in this country just went to a total moron with ZERO redeeming qualities, and ZERO qualifications to be President!

Let's see how happy those of you who voted for Trump will be 6 months from now, a year from now, if he even lasts that long! And I thought George Bush, the second one was bad, Trump makes him look like a rhode scholar!

Still shaking my head! This will NEVER make sense to me!!!!
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Posted on Nov 9, 2016 5:27:28 AM PST
Connie (She who hikes with dogs) says:
Gun rights now trump freedom of speech in this country. :P

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 9, 2016 6:53:59 AM PST
Dogs & Horses says:
I will not hire illegal immigrants for several reasons nor will I do business with those that I know do (of I can avoid it). The simple fact is that the produce mass produced in the US is provided by slave labor. The next time you buy Pilgrims Pride chicken think about who's working on those actual chicken plants and the backside of the farms. I see it everyday.

It is illegal South American immigrants and no, not all are Mexicans contrary to popular belief by those who do not live in border states. These people work 12 hour days for below minimum wage with no protections. They do the ugly dirty work that provides things we don't want to pay much to buy - lawn care, chicken, strawberries, lettuce, babysitting, maid service in your homes etc.

This problem is two fold - time to close the border and deal with fact that their countries are unihabitable and why and time to admit that our nation - Democrat and Republican and Independent alike - created and crave the hidden slave economy we pretend we don't have.

M. Lafferman says: Posted on Nov 9, 2016 7:17:30 AM PST
Well, from what I've read so far, Trump is mainly going to pick CEO's. How many CEO's care about their employees? Not many, they just care about giving themselves raises, at the expense of their workers who get none!

Republicans are for big business, not the little people.

Having Trump for a President, we really have opened up a can of worms, something we may never recover from! You can't put the lid back on once it's been opened! Like Pandora's Box.

I really thought people would pick Clinton, the lesser of the two evils, which had she won it would of been because that is how much people hated Trump, it seemed like a no brainer! To me that is NOT what voting is supposed to be about, it's supposed to be about picking the person you think will do the best for this country, which is NOT Trump! How can anyone take him seriously or believe in him, that is what I don't understand!

There is nothing anyone can say to me that will make sense as far as how did Trump win? Only temporary insanity explains it!
Archie M. says:
"Republicans are for big business, not the little people."

Blanket statements like this serve no purpose but to inflame one side against the other. Someone else could say "Democrats are for illegal immigrants, not for citizens" and it would be just as wrong.
Posted on Nov 9, 2016 8:34:42 AM PST
Last edited by the author on Nov 9, 2016 1:24:43 PM PST
Wandrwoman says:
I am a Liberal woman living in one of the most Liberal neighborhoods in a Blue City in a Blue State. I have been for Hillary since she ran for Senate in 2000. I am totally biased.

ImWithHer. That has nothing to do with Trump.

Both candidates are from NY and are known entities here.

Hillary was a popular two term Senator in NY. Yesterday, NY State voted for her.

Trump and his family have been known entities in NYC for at least 50 years. The family is from Queens. We know who he is.

NYC went overwhelmingly for Hillary.

In Manhattan, Trump's home district, he got less than 10% of the vote (as reported this am). In my voting district, even less than that.

The United States is going to be in for a big surprise.

If you don't believe THE Birther in Chief is a racist and an egomaniacal con man, you are truly mistaken.
In reply to an earlier post on Nov 9, 2016 9:54:11 AM PST
OlyNomad says:
I think the sad reality is that too many Americans want the horror show and revel in the division and anger. That is what saddens me the most and it goes beyond whether a person is blue or red in their political beliefs. It's how far we have deteriorated as a society and what has become acceptable or tolerated behavior that worries me the most.
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KT says:
Ms Winston, but that's what we did for Obama. He hadn't even finished his first term before he ditched it to run for Prez. I'd call that no qual/experience.
(I'm not commenting on Trump winning, just that electing someone with no gov't experience isn't a 'new' thing)

I think he's got enough valid, pertinent faults that using a hypocritical one isn't necessary.

Ms Lynn, Obama tore thru those checks and balances his whole time in office. Again, he already set a precedent, so I don't think that's a fair thing to call out Trump for, especially when there's no actual evidence yet. (Not that it's not a worry because of his rather apparent ego)

And finally, Ms just kath, "hate" is your perception, not a fact. I have a lot of worries about him, but "hate" is not one of them. The immigration thing doesn't derive from 'hatred of immigrants' it derives from 'care of existing citizens', for one example. But it's just my perception, not a fact.

And I must point out that your comment to Yarri came off a lot more 'hateful' sounding than I'd expect for a person who is labeling another as hateful. She's been a nice person on these forums, from what I've seen so far, and it doesn't seem very nice simply ignore her historic evidence just because of who she (may have) voted for. I know you're upset, and I'm sure you didn't mean it that way, but it's how it came across to me, so it's all the 'evidence' I have to go on.
In reply to an earlier post on Nov 9, 2016 1:10:05 PM PST
Technology Guy says:
Obama's "lack of experience" included being a community organizer, working as a civil rights attorney, teaching constitutional law and serving three terms in the Illinois State Senate not to mention his time in the U.S. Senate. How on Earth does none of that count as qualifications and experience?

As far as checks and balances go, one might recall the dysfunctional congress which was more interested in brinksmanship than taking care of the day to day business of government.

And, yes, hatred. Xenophobic hatred.
In reply to an earlier post on Nov 9, 2016 1:45:10 PM PST
Visibly Pam says:
Your party mates showed Obama with a monkey's body. It's going to be hard to be that and 'tweaked her beaver'.

I'd say it can only be uphill from where we are now. And I know that's not you, Kort. Just pointing out that it hasn't been good manners for a long while.
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Wandrwoman says:
Yes, that was one article from The Atlantic. Here is a direct quote from the very same magazine's editors:

"Donald Trump, on the other hand, has no record of public service and no qualifications for public office. His affect is that of an infomercial huckster; he traffics in conspiracy theories and racist invective; he is appallingly sexist; he is erratic, secretive, and xenophobic; he expresses admiration for authoritarian rulers, and evinces authoritarian tendencies himself. He is easily goaded, a poor quality for someone seeking control of America's nuclear arsenal. He is an enemy of fact-based discourse; he is ignorant of, and indifferent to, the Constitution; he appears not to read."

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 9, 2016 2:48:48 PM PST
Dogs & Horses says:
Compassion and the extension of open arms for millions and millions free of repercussions for years of law breaking are not the same thing. In our school district alone we have 6833 kids total. 1897 of those last school year were grades 8 or below who had zero English and had been here less than 12 months. The are living below the poverty line with no documents of any kind - no medical records, no previous school information, no vaccination history, nothing. All are Spanish speaking.

Who pays for the additional Spanish speaking staff? The Two new counselors just for them to help them survive, adjust and adapt. The four English language teachers. The four Spanish speaking tutors to do nothing but help these kids find a way to actually learn and function. The second set of questions is what is lost by the budget shift to accommodate these kids? Art programs and music programs were lost at the elementary level.

These are not children of citizens or even children legally born here of illegal mothers. These are illegal immigrants who brought their entire families with them. They pay the Coyotes anywhere from $1500 to $3000 per person U.S. Dollars for passage over the border and into the mainland.

Ten years ago our little school district had less than 400 of these children and they could and were easily absorbed into the system. No one thought anything about it. They assimilated and become part of the student body. Our town and baseline population has grown by 87 legal people in that ten years, yet the number of illegal kids in our school has grown by almost 1500.

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 9, 2016 3:18:04 PM PST

Visibly Pam says:
No. Americans generally hate foreigners and always have. "No Irish need apply." And lets not forget the warm acceptance of the Chinese.

History doesn't support that story. In fact, history doesn't even support acceptance of American Indians and Blacks -- who were here before and shortly after white men arrived.

There's probably an story of acceptance and tolerance out there, somewhere.
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Posted on Nov 9, 2016 3:26:34 PM PST
QueenKatieMae says:
I've just been standing on the sidelines, seething and crying at the same time. I voted for Hillary in 2008 and voted for her 2 more times this election year. I'm proud to say it out loud. Unfortunately, I'm in a world of pain right now because I don't like what I see in the future. Here's why:

1. I'm a woman
2. My husband's an immigrant with a Green Card.
3. My kids are college age.
4. I have a small amount of investment for my retirement (kiss that good-bye)
5. We are the laughing stock of the world

Here's the "good" part: those who voted for that bozo will find out real fast how many lies he fed them to get their votes. There will be no wall, there will be no special prosecutor for Hillary, there will be no increase in their wages. It was a use 'em and lose 'em strategy.
In reply to an earlier post on Nov 9, 2016 3:51:04 PM PST
KT says:
Ms Visibly Pam, I have to disagree on the origin of your example. I don't feel that, for the most part, it was just "Americans hate foreigners". It was much more "people fear change/new things/different". That's always the bottom line in 1 group not accepting another group. It's human nature to divide ourselves, always putting ourselves in with the "Right" group.

But even if it was "Americans hate foreigners", that can be said of many countries out there. France has had a very well-known reputation for hating foreigners, especially Americans, for example. We do, however, what I call "update" our behavior. There will, of course, always be those who cling to their fear and display it as hatred, but for the most part, we grow and gradually accept. There are no more "No Irish need apply" signs, and black people hold many positions of notability and success, and Chinese are no longer treated as a 'service class', etc.
In reply to an earlier post on Nov 9, 2016 3:52:35 PM PST
Last edited by the author on Nov 9, 2016 3:54:04 PM PST
just kath says:
Yes, I am frustrated, frightened and watching my country ( and our 401 k, which we will not be making money on) vanish.
The My son had a gun held in his face right before someone took his brand new car. He works 2 jobs. AND more.

People are making light of the fact that this monster is going to move into the White House. Some of us may not live long enough to see the country correct itself, if it ever does.

In reply to an earlier post on Nov 9, 2016 4:46:34 PM PST
Visibly Pam says:
I don't know. Do you think they cover the skin of a living man with boiling tar and then hang him from a tree because they want to show their distrust? Do you think they shot and killed those poor young white college boys because they didn't trust them to stop signing up blacks to vote? Did they burn down churches to establish trust?

I lived in the south. I know how stupid people can be. I know people who distrusted a little 8 year old girl because she wanted to study science and liked wearing pants and climbing trees. I know grown men who were supposedly scholars who said women weren't a proper topic for historians.

I know a lot about stupid. And stupid has a lot more to do with hate than mistrust.
Debbie Lee Wesselmann says:
"There will always be jerks."

Um, KT, did you read the graphic description of covering a man with boiling tar and killing college students? Those acts go beyond being "jerks."

Things do change, but this election proved that those same feelings simmer just below the surface. Look at the massacre in Orlando at the gay night club. Yep, violence against homosexuals. Look at Trump's words that he thought we should massacre the family of Islamic terrorists -- innocents. The massacre at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin. Hatred is a powerful force that should not be euphemized to "distrust." This is the danger running through some Americans.
Visibly Pam says: In reply to an earlier post on Nov 9, 2016 5:06:34 PM PST
Well, we tried Trickle Down economics in the 80s and it was a disaster. We're about to try it again. What do you think will happen this time?

That's interesting family history, Chris. I wonder why my family escaped the same scrutiny? They were in NYC and weathy? I don't actually know. Accent? I'm fairly sure that side of the family was quite posh. Maybe they bought a lot of war bonds. You have me curious.
In reply to an earlier post on Nov 9, 2016 5:15:48 PM PST
Visibly Pam says:
Ms KT. You don't seem to understand. The prejudices never go away. I once though like you but all the prejudices I thought we were overcoming, that were going away, are back with trump. The man grabs women by the short hairs and is applauded. If you see this as progress I don't know what to say. e.
In reply to an earlier post on Nov 9, 2016 5:30:16 PM PST
KT says:
They aren't "back with Trump". They've been coming back the last 8 years. We haven't had race relations this bad since the 60s. Remember when everyone protested segregation? Now blacks are asking for separate black-only dorms. Not because of prejudice, but because they feel only other blacks can "understand" each other. So they can form more of a community outside the country community. To segregate themselves. You don't think that's a vast leap backwards?

And it's not even a fully racism problem. It's got many elements in it. PCness making excuses for poor behaviors, lack of personal responsibility, trying to blame everyone else for your own decisions in life, or for things nobody can control. And much more.
In reply to an earlier post on Nov 9, 2016 7:13:49 PM PST

Ms Winston says:
I feel the same way, Op: the president but not my president. I have expressed the feelings elsewhere only to be told that I need to immediately embrace Trump, and the results of the election, to "help heal the country." Not today. Maybe never.
Posted on Nov 9, 2016 8:49:38 PM PST
PD says:
I'm trying to wrap my head around the comments shot at Trump for lying, scandal, hatred, power trips, etc... when that completely defines HLC. At least he's not a murderer. Oh, Bengazi? "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?!?". I bet she makes a mean Kool-Aid.
Trump was selected because he wants, as an American, to put this mess aside and get BACK to what America was always intended to be, not create something socialistically new which has been the Obama and Clinton agenda all along, just not as aggressive and the Bern. The nation is tired of it, OBVIOUSLY.
Now, you can fire off all your hate comments back at me and and blah blah blah, I could care less and happily for you I won't be back at this thread. I've read the hypocritical biased free speech all day. So go ahead and downvote my 2 minutes of MY biased free speech so it disappears, but hey, at least I know you read it.
In reply to an earlier post on Nov 10, 2016 1:12:10 AM PST
Visibly Pam says:
May I suggest that you start to watch business news. The media is biased. Bloomberg News is available on most cable packages and I think it will give you a better idea of what's going on in the world and perhaps you'd end up not needing to be rescued by either party.

I don't believe anyone is going to be triggered to respond in kind by your post. We can see that you're very very upset by the fact that people don't agree with you.

You'll probably get down votes but those really aren't all that important, are they.

I hope you get some benefit out of the new administration.
In reply to an earlier post on Nov 10, 2016 2:40:19 AM PST
Debbie Lee Wesselmann says:

Did you see the context of that quote, or are you going from the Trump commercial? She was articulating her frustration and grief that Americans had been killed -- it didn't matter whether they understood why at first -- only that they had been killed. Her point was that we should be just as upset if someone was out for a stroll that night and decided to kill them. The why didn't matter as much as the what.

HRC is not a murderer. That's the kind of baby-eating rhetoric that is not true and not helpful.
In reply to an earlier post on Nov 10, 2016 5:54:37 AM PST
Wandrwoman says:

Saying that "most of this Forum has gone to hell" because some, and not all, of the participants disagree with you is not fair, is it?

If you have the courage of your convictions, you should be able to discuss them reasonably among reasonable people.

No one here has attacked you personally.
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Posted on Nov 10, 2016 6:40:44 AM PST
Wandrwoman says:
Some unverifiverifiable facts:

-Donald Trump's paternal grandparents were German immigrants who came to the US in the 1880's.
-They settled in the NYC borough of Queens.
-Frederick Trump, Donald's father, was arrested at a KKK demonstration in 1927, when a violent brawl broke out between robed KKK members and followers of Mussolini. Only KKK members were arrested, no bystanders, no Mussolini followers.
- Frederick Trump denied being of German heritage for decades after WWll. He claimed his parents were Swiss.
-Donald Trump has been filmed saying that his German DNA gives him superior genetic advantage.
-Frederick Trump was investigated by a U.S. Senate committee in 1954 for profiteering from public contracts and was sued for doing so.

-In 1973, the U.S. Justice Department's Civil Rights Division filed a civil rights suit against the Trump organization charging that it refused to rent to black people. Trump was the only NY developer to fight the charge. In 1975, a consent decree described by the head of DOJ's housing division as "one of the most far-reaching ever negotiated," required Trump to rent to black people. Donald Trump had been working for his father since 1968.

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